EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference 2024

EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference 2024
Engineers’ House, Bristol
Sat 7 Sep 2024

EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: delivered by EXTOD and organised by SBK Events. This unique forum was created to provide interactive tools, clinical cases, shared learning and problem/solution-based tasks for adults who exercise regularly and would like support with managing their diabetes.

Please click on the EXTOD courses tab for details of further courses available.

Case study led workshops, practical learning and useful resources

In attendance were individuals who were looking to manage their exercise choices confidently and safely, this dedicated day equipped the participants with practical tools and techniques needed to overcome diabetes and exercise challenges. Key learning outcomes included:

  • Understanding the effects of different types of exercise on blood glucose levels
  • Applying the rule of threes for managing glucose around exercise
  • Optimising on the tips and tricks with nutrition and exercise
  • Identifying how your diabetes technology will support your exercise safely
  • Practical engagement with the strategies to plan for exercise

In this engaging online environment questions were posed to the expert speakers an attendees benefitted from useful discussions and practical group learning. 

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"Much useful information and well supported with documentation"
- EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference, September 2024
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"Revelation! I have learnt so much which will change the way we manage Will’s diabetes. Thankyou"
- EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference, September 2024
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"Very good. Lots of new information. Very helpful. Came here and got taught everything I wanted"
- EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference, September 2024

With thanks to JDRF and DRWF for supporting this educational conference:


Registration and arrival refreshments
In each workshop, 10-20 people with Type 1 diabetes and two experts in the field of diabetes and exercise will use interactive tools, clinical cases, shared learning and problem-based tasks to help attendees to learn.
Professor Rob Andrews, Associate Professor, University of Exeter and Honorary Consultant Physician, University of Exeter
Facilitators for the day
  • Group 1: Professor Rob Andrews, University of Exeter and Manyee Li, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
  • Group 2: Barbara Hudson, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and Andrea Miller, Swansea Bay University Health Board
  • Group 3: Claire Foster, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Anne-Marie Frohock, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Each workshop will be broken into 3 groups and the facilitators for the groups are as listed above
Workshop 1: Physiology at rest and during exercise
  • Where are you now?
  • Physiology at rest and during exercise
Refreshment break
Workshop 2: Strategies for before and during exercise
  • Staying safe
  • Strategies for before and during exercise
Lunch break
Workshop 3: Physiology after exercise
  • Physiology after exercise
  • Fuel for exercise
Refreshment break
Workshop 4: Strategies for after exercise
  • Strategies for after exercise
  • Recording and planning
Closing remarks
Professor Rob Andrews, Associate Professor, University of Exeter and Honorary Consultant Physician, Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton
Close of day

EXTOD faculty

Evidence based content delivered by members of the EXTOD faculty, plus additional speakers who are all experts in T1D and exercise:

Professor Rob Andrews

Associate Professor, University of Exeter and Honorary Consultant Physician
University of Exeter

Professor Parth Narendran

Diabetes Research Unit and the Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Service Lead
University of Birmingham and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Giorgio Carrieri

Lead Nurse, Children's Diabetes Team
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Claire Foster

Diabetes Dietitian
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Anne Marie Frohock

Lead Paediatric Diabetes Dietitian
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Alistair Lumb

Consultant in Diabetes and Acute General Medicine
OCDEM, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Barbara Hudson

Clinical Nurse Specialist in Diabetes
University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Manyee Li

Specialist Diabetes Dietitian
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
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Andrea Miller

Diabetes Dietitian
Swansea Bay University Health Board

Dr Isy Douek

Consultant in Diabetes
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Past attendee feedback

Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) was set up in 2011, and regularly provides structured education programmes to support safe exercise for people with Type 1 diabetes. This bespoke education series has been well received by both HCPs, adults with T1D and carers. Here are just a few quotes from HCPs who experienced the 2023 and 2024 conferences held in Oxford and Bristol:

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"Excellent day, great content and very informative"
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"It was very educational. I now have a good structure to follow to help with glucose management during exercise"
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"Very informative – lots of food for thought with some very real world takeaways"
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"Very good, provided me with plenty of methods for helping to control BG levels during exercise"
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"Revelation! I have learnt so much which will change the way we manage diabetes"
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"Excellent day"
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"A great day working through general content which was personalized to each situation"
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"Very insightful, great to speak to HCPs and other TODs! Has given me a lot more confidence and inspiration"
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"Left with lots to think about and new ideas"
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"I have learnt so much. Lots to try differently"
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"Very good, lots of new information. Came here and got taught everything I wanted"
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"Much useful information, well supported with documentation"
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“Great conference, really useful general tips with useful overview of latest research and inspirational speakers. Really appreciated the signposting to available resources”
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“Really good content and informative. Good mix of lecture and workshop”
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“I loved the workshops as opportunities to practice what we had learnt in the lectures. These were great and well run”
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“Excellent content, found it really interesting and have learnt so much”
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“Excellent sessions, a lot packed in and learnt a lot and very inspired by the speakers!!”
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“Speakers were inspiring, extremely knowledgeable and great at sharing their enthusiasm and learning”
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“An excellent meeting. My understanding and management of issues around exercise has improved”
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“Great presentations and workshops. Speakers were happy to answer questions, interact with participants”

Upcoming Courses:

These events are delivered by EXTOD, organised by SBK Events with full details available to view on the Diabetes National Networking Forums website.

EXTOD Sports Coach & PE Teacher Online Training – half day
Thursday 26th September 2024, Engineers’ House, Bristol
This half day online course will arm physical education teachers, or coaches with the tools and techniques required to help children or young people in their care to manage glucose around exercise.

EXTOD Healthcare Professionals South Conference
Friday 6th September 2024, Engineers’ House, Bristol
This new, one day forum is created to equip Diabetologists, Diabetes Specialist Nurses, Dietitians and Paediatricians with the knowledge, inspiration, and practical understanding to support T1D patients who exercise.

EXTOD Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Conference
Saturday 7th September, Engineers’ House, Bristol
Providing interactive tools, clinical cases, shared learning and problem/solution-based tasks, this training day will support adults with diabetes who find exercise challenging.

EXTOD Healthcare Professionals National Conference
Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th November 2024, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh
Featuring evidence-based presentations, case study led workshops and invaluable lived experience of diabetes and exercise.

EXTOD Football Coaches Guide to Supporting Players with Type 1 Diabetes
Wednesday 6th November 2024, Online via Zoom
Created to equip Sports Coaches with the knowledge, inspiration, and practical understanding of how to support type 1 diabetes players to undertake safe and effective exercise.

Why sponsor?

Our role at SBK Events is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These trail-blazing diabetes delivery forums offering dedicated presentation, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be full immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

Interested in having your own event, managed by us?

SBK Events also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact:
Sarah Kemm
Contact: 01732 897788
Email: sarah.kemm@sbk-events.co.uk

Supported by JDRF and the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation

SBK Healthcare would like to thank JDRF and DRWF for their support. 

DRWF was established in 1998 to raise awareness of all types of diabetes and associated complications. We provide information and support to enhance good self-management, whilst funding vital research to establish the causes, prevention and treatments of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes to facilitate diabetes management. We aim to ensure that they are "staying well until a cure is found..."


JDRF, the leading global type 1 diabetes charity, works every day to help people live better with the condition, prevent people ever developing it and one day, find cures.

Recommended levels of activity

Shown below is the recommended levels of activity for adult, children and pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes.

  • At least 150 min/week of moderate intensity or 75 min/ week of vigorous intensity, aerobic, physical activity. This should be spread over three days with no more than two consecutive days without exercise.
  • In addition, muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups should be performed on two or more days per week.
  • A reduction in sedentary time is also recommended. Prolonged sitting should be interrupted every 30 minutes
  • Flexibility training and balance training are recommended 2–3 times/week for older adults with diabetes. Yoga and Tai Chi may be included based on individual preferences to increase flexibility, muscular strength, and balance


  • Children and adolescents with type 1 or type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes should engage in 60 min/day or more of moderate or vigorous intensity aerobic activity with vigorous muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities at least 3 days/week.
  • At least 30 mins of moderate exercise daily if there are no medical or obstetric complications.

How active are people with Type 1 DM

Most studies of physical activity (PA) levels in adults with Type 1 diabetes have been based on self-reported data rather than objective data. They all suggest that people with Type 1 diabetes are not very active.

Self-reported studies

Objectively measured PA

The reasons for the reduced level of physical activity could be due to that additional barriers that people with Type 1 diabetes have to physical activity.

Patients with Type 1 diabetes have many barriers to exercise that are similar to the general populations such as

  • Lack of time
  • Work pressures
  • Bad weather
  • Cost
  • Lack of motivation

But there are certain barriers that are specific to them, see table below.

Table showing barriers to physical activity in patients with Type 1 diabetes.

New onset Type 1 diabetesEstablished Type 1 diabetes
  • Hypoglycaemia (both actual and fear of)
  • Lack of knowledge/confidence in managing diabetes
  • Advice from healthcare professionals to stop exercising
  • Planning (e.g. checking blood glucose)
  • Feeling overwhelmed by diagnosis.
  • Loss of control of diabetes
  • Lack of knowledge on the management of diabetes for exercise

To be able to increase activity these barriers will have to be overcome.

For more information on this subject see

  1. Brazeau A.S et al paper (Barriers to Physical Activity Among Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(11):2108-9).
  2. Dubé MC et al paper (Development and validation of a new scale. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2006;72(1):20-7).
  3. Lascar N et al paper (Attitudes and Barriers to Exercise in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM) and How Best to Address Them: A Qualitative Study).
  4. Kennedy A et al paper (Attitudes and barriers to exercise in adults with a recent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: a qualitative study of participants in the Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) study).

Please login to access documentation associated with the event. This is an exclusive benefit for all of the attendees and includes additional and updated documentation.